Monday, December 1, 2008

My BUT, your BUT

Woody gave an excellent sermon last Sunday; fairly humorous as well. He spoke on King Uzziah out of 2 Chronicles 26 with the key passage being verse 16a which reads “But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall…” One word; BUT. How our lives are filled with this seemingly nonchalant word.

I was going to go to church BUT I slept in. I was going to go visit my sick mother BUT there was too much cleaning to do. I wanted to spend more time with my family BUT overtime was more important. I wanted to go where God was calling me BUT life was comfortable. BUT, But… but!

Our “buts” can be simple things that just have a small effect or they may be quite large and keep us from living to the full potential that God has for us. What is your but that is holding you back from what God wants for you? I don’t know about you but I want to kick mine and see where God is going to take me.

I probably could have written much more on this but I think Woody did a great job and you should hear it first hand.


Simple Complexity said...

Wow, this is a short one! I'm glad you didn't delete it. You're blog entries are not always going to sound like some great speaker, we are not all great speakers or writers at all times. Even the best writers go through drafts and drafts and little things before they get published or even have someone get their work looked at.

It takes practice and having the "not so good" stuff with the good stuff is just a part of that. You can go back and look and see what you wanted or should have done differently. It's all a learning process. Also don't take what others say too much to heart, if you like what you wrote then that's all that matters. Not everyone is going to agree that what you write is right or good, just how it goes. There is not one thing out there that is like that and never will be.

In this one you could have put a little more of yourself into it and not just alluded to yourself some. This blog is about you and what you think, and so you should put more of you into it, not just as a 2nd or 3rd person. Put more of who you are and your life into your writing and you can't go wrong, find that right balance and it will work. Other than that I think it's good. And also, even though you put the link there, just a hint, not everyone will go to a link in the future lol So sometimes putting a little bit of what someone says is a good idea, sometimes that gets them hooked more to see what else is said. Find the most interesting line or paragraph and quote it and the link. Something I learned from my board lol Peek their interest and reel them in.

Happy I finally gave you criticism? lol

Simple Complexity said...

lol and before you say it, yes I wrote you a book, funny thing is ,my comment is almost as long or longer than your blog lol

Spice of Life said...

OK, so what's the deal? I have been to two different meetings where people are talking about their "buts" (yes, I spelled it right!)

Thanks for adding to the heap!

Anonymous said...

Hey Josh,

I'm a friend of Maria's and I saw this post. I love it and there's so much truth to it.

Well written!

Joshua Minso said...

Thanks Sherry, I am glad you enjoyed it. I am alos glad others out side of my network of friends is finding there way to my blog.